Heart Rate OS2 Pro Key apk indir
Please install the Heart Rate OS at : http://adf.ly/3154478/https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jwork.wearable.heartratesync2
Got smart-watch?
It'll be a waste if it's not periodically check your heart rate
Heart Rate OS is a must have tool for android wearable smart-watch owner.
Everyone will curious about his/her heart rate across the day:
- How much is my highest/lowest heart rate?
- When was my highest/lowest heart rate occurred?
- Is it having a pattern?
- How my heart rate compared with my step history
- Etc
And what cool is all your heart rate data will be sync to your Google Fit account combined with other Google Fit data.
Heart Rate OS is still beta and new feature will keep coming.
- Setting hear rate minimum & maximum limit
- Notification when below minimum or above maximum
- Display step chart*
- More options
- Etc
Common FAQ
1. What kind of smart-watch do I need?
-> HROS will only work with Android wearable watch: Moto 360, LG G Watch R and other android wear watch with heart rate sensor. HROS does not work on Samsung Gear and smart watches using other operating systems. Tizen devices as Gear-Fit and Gear II are not supported. Please do not give bad rating because of it.
2. My automatic heart rate check is not working?
-> If you tried manual checking working, automatic hear rate check should be work. Please try to tighten your band and select more frequent checking.
3. What should I do if I have question/crash?
-> Write me email from menu "Send feedback" or go to HROS xda forum for discussion (http://forum.xda-developers.com/android-wear/general/app-heart-rate-os-android-wear-google-t3031964)
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Uygulamayı İndirin
Heart Rate OS2 Pro Key apk download, Heart Rate OS2 Pro Key APK File, Heart Rate OS2 Pro Key APK DATA, Heart Rate OS2 Pro Key MOD APK"
Kaynak: www.baglandirek.com
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